OK- so this is SO sad that my LAST pictures on my blog are from LAST Christmas! Wow! What happened to me this year?! :)
So I'm not going to commit to blogging the year of 2010, but I will try to do a FEW highlights of the year gradually! :)
So here is December....
Out to eat with the Slade Ladies for Jessica's b-day!

He didn't get the bike- just a new helmet & horn & he's as happy as a clam!

Livi & her best friend Grace with their matching dolls!
Getting ready for Santa & ALL 9 Reindeers!!!

The Nativity with the "Ben & Emily's" & the "Brent & Emily's"
(notice the oh-so-reverent Livi!)

At Jack & Livi's Music Performance for "Performing Pals" at the QC Library...